Expertly Facilitating Our Clients' Strategic Transformation

Strategic Alignment Limited regards itself as the Caribbean’s #1 Consulting Firm in Organisation Transformation leading to amazing client results.
We define Transformation as follows: “The Process of changing the essence of an organisation to have the right direction, willingness and ability to deliver on its Purpose and Vision in a sustainable manner”.
Before commencing a Client Engagement, the individual Client needs are determined, then a specific solution to meet those needs is designed.


SAL provides effective facilitation to enable organisations to determine the most appropriate strategy to achieve their transformation.  Areas of work include:

Organization Strategy Articulation (Planning)
Sector/National Strategy Articulation (Planning)
Strategy Execution Support
Organization Review
Organization Realignment & Restructuring

Performance Management System
Culture Change
Business Process Re-engineering
Job Evaluation, Reclassification & Compensation
Change Management

Promise to Our Clients: We promise to understand your needs, to partner with and support you to improve your performance in a sustainable manner.

Our Value Creation Philosophy

We believe that every client is desirous of improving their performance (getting better). We therefore see ourselves as “organization physicians” where clients come to us because they feel sick (underperforming) or for a regular checkup (to make sure everything is working well.

We create value for clients by helping them to: identify their desired future; diagnose themselves in the context of that future; articulate solutions to address the diagnoses; and implement the solutions and monitor progress 

We, therefore, like doctors, can lead the horse (clients) to the water, but we cannot easily make them drink. We can however influence our Clients to act (drink) and it is the extent to which we influence that we are measured and valued

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Strategic Alignment Institute

Strategic Alignment Institute (SA Institute) is the Executive Development arm of SAL. SA Institute provides Executives, HR Professionals, Strategic/Corporate Planners and Consultants with the tools to facilitate organisational transformation. Through the SA Institute, SAL develops customized solutions to meet the needs of each organization. The SAL team works closely with leadership to develop a tailored programme to equip their teams with the capabilities to effectively implement their strategic plans.

Areas for development may include:

Strategy Articulation
Strategic Governance

Facilitated sessions can be delivered onsite or off-site as required.

Change Management
Performance Management
Business Process

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