Educate JA! Transformation

educate Ja

Educate JA! Transformation is a pro bono project of SAL, where we facilitate the transformation of selected secondary schools, primarily in the inner cities and rural areas. Having started in 2011, we have had very good results in several schools. For example Buff Bay High in 2012 had only 3% of students passing the minimum 5 subjects, including Math and English, at CXC level. After working with them, that number jumped to 11% after 3 years – an increase of over 200%.

We do the same thing with the schools that we do with companies. We take them through a strategic planning process, and they develop a strategy. During the process, we engage all the stakeholders — students, teachers, parents, past students, the board and all staff members. Once the strategy has been developed and there are initiatives to implement that strategy, we usually support them a minimum of three years, spending at least one day each month making sure they make the required changes that will get the results.

We believe schools can transform the students into persons who are making a solid contribution to society. Once they make the transition, they’ll realize far greater levels of improvement are possible without any huge amount of resources to effect that transformation.

Kellits High School
Charlemont High School
Norman Manley High School
Buff Bay High School
Glengoffe High School
Jamaica College
Kemps Hill High School

Holy Trinity High School
St. Jago High School
Holy Childhood High School
Denham Town High School
St. Andrew Technical High School
Tarrant High School
Wolmer’s High School for Girls’
Wolmer’s High School for Boys

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